

// 2010/02/13 - 17:03 /
We all love driving down a open road with music on the car radio, at times there seems to be an almost magical synchronization between the music playing and the passing landscape, the speed, the hum of the motor, sounds harmonize with the machine. Then somehow it stops, we get bored of the same rhythm, or it starts to rain, or traffic slows down and suddenly it doesn't seem right anymore. We start grubbing around for CDs or changing radio stations or navigating on our USB key...

To subscribe to the roadmusic newsletter

10th to 13th of february
RoadMusic is being presented at the Mois Multi festival in Quebechttp: : Invité par Avatar

...Le point de départ se trouve dans le Hall de Méduse (591 rue De St-Vallier est).Le trajet est d’une durée de environ 20 minutes et nous vous demandons de bien vouloir vous présenter au moins 10 minutes avant l’heure de votre départ. Sachez que vous pouvez être au maximum 5 personnes à la fois par voyage. Veuillez noter également que l’événement est annulé en cas de tempête.

Information et réservation OBLIGATOIRE au

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Video by Peggy Arraou, shot during a residency at "Rhizome-Lijiang art center" in Yunnan, China in September 2009. Available as a DVD/catalogue :

Video Réalisé par Peggy Arraou, durant une résidence à "Rhizome-Lijiang art center" au Yunnan en Chine en Septembre 2009. Disponible en DVD :

New Version

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A New prototype of Autosync and a new version of Road music is currently being presented at ["Second Nature"|] in Aix en Provence in the Exhibition "Dessine moi un mutant" - 5 juin au 1er août 2009.
For the price of a ticket of a cinema ticket you can test autosync in your own car for a day! Here's how it works [Autosync-howto]

La première présentation de RoadMusic - AutoSync, est programmé pour ce weekend (ven 31 oct et sam 1 nov) et le 13 décembre au festival ["version Beta"|], Centre Pour L'image Contemporaine, St-Gervais, Genève.

RoadMusic AutoSync will be presented publicly for the first time at the festival ["version Beta"|] Centre Pour L'image Contemporaine, St-Gervais, in Geneva, this weekend (friday oct 31st saturday nov 1st) and on december 13th.

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Video documentary Peoples impressions of RoadMusic at the exhibition "Version Beta" 1 nov -> 13 dec 2008 Centre Pour L'image Contemporaine, St-Gervais, in Geneva (mostly French some English) Thanks to everyone who accepted to appear in this video.

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Video shot on '''Oct 27 2008, duration 4'43''' in Niolon (lots of bass, which will be inaudible with small computer speakers) .

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Video shot on '''Oct 26 2008, duration 5'03''' in Aix-En-Provenece, comments'''in english'''.

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Video shot on '''sept 16 2008, duration 2'54''' in Marseille, Grand littoral -> St Antoine (quartiers nord) edité et avec commentaires '''en Français'''.

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Video shot on '''sept 16 2008, duration 8'28''' in Marseille (St Antoine -> Grand littoral, quartiers nord) unedited.

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Video shot on '''april 07 2008, duration 7'43''' - For those who are interested in seeing the evolution of the project. Commentated in English, camera GH Hovagimyan.