

// 2008/10/30 - 10:38 /
We all love driving down a open road with music on the car radio, at times there seems to be an almost magical synchronization between the music playing and the passing landscape, the speed, the hum of the motor, sounds harmonize with the machine. Then somehow it stops, we get bored of the same rhythm, or it starts to rain, or traffic slows down and suddenly it doesn't seem right anymore. We start grubbing around for CDs or changing radio stations or navigating on our USB key...

La première présentation de RoadMusic - AutoSync, est programmé pour ce weekend et le 13 décembre au festival "Version Bêta", Centre Pour L'image Contemporaine, St-Gervais, Genève.

RoadMusic AutoSync will be presented for the first time at the festival ["version Beta"|] Centre Pour L'image Contemporaine, St-Gervais, in Geneva, this weekend and on december 13th.

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Video shot on '''Oct 27 2008, duration 4'43''' in Niolon (lots of bass, which will be inaudible with small computer speakers) .

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Video shot on '''Oct 26 2008, duration 5'03''' in Aix-En-Provenece, comments'''in english'''.

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Video shot on '''sept 16 2008, duration 2'54''' in Marseille, Grand littoral -> St Antoine (quartiers nord) edité et avec commentaires '''en Français'''.

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Video shot on '''sept 16 2008, duration 8'28''' in Marseille (St Antoine -> Grand littoral, quartiers nord) unedited.

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Video shot on '''april 07 2008, duration 7'43''' - For those who are interested in seeing the evolution of the project. Commentated in English, camera GH Hovagimyan.