

// 2012/03/29 - 18:40 /

Sinclair P. (2011). Sonification (what, where, what, why) Editorial. In AI & Society : Knowledge, Culture and Communication, Proceedings of Locus Sonus Symposium, Volume 27:2, 2011. London : Springer (Pub.).

Sinclair P. (2011). Living with Alarms : The Audio Environment in an Intensive Care Unit. In AI & Society : Knowledge, Culture and Communication, Proceedings of Locus Sonus Symposium : Volume 27:2, 2011. London : Springer (Pub.).

Joy J, Sinclair P - Networked Music & Soundart Timeline (NMSAT): A Panoramic View of Practices and Techniques Related to Sound Transmission and Distance Listening (2009)
In Contemporary Music Review, Vol. 28, Issue 4 & 5, Taylor & Francis Group (publishers). Abingdon Oxford: Routledge, pp. 351-361.

Joy J., Sinclair P. (2009). Espaces Sonores en Réseau - pratiques de la recherche en art, Locus Sonus. In "Recherche & Création - Art, Technologie, Pédagogie, Innovation", sous la direction de Samuel Bianchini, p. 122-139. Paris: Éditions Burozoïque / Les Éditions du Parc, École Nationale Supérieure d’Art de Nancy, 2009.

Joy J., Sinclair P. (2008). Les Espaces Sonores en Réseau (Networked Sonic Spaces). In GlobalWare Corporation (Ed.) Roots/Routes, International Computer Music Conference ICMC’08 (Panel : Networking Performance) (pp. 553-555). Belfast : SARC, Sonic Art Research Center, Queens University, & International Computer Music Association ICMA (Publishers).

Sinclair P. (2007). Locus Sonus. In “Autumn Leaves — Sound and the Environment in Artistic Practice”, edited by Angus Carlyle, CriSAP LCC London College of Communication, University of the Arts London. (pp. 74-77). Paris / London : Éditions Double-Entendre, 2007.

!!Talks and Conferences
Locus Sonus SYMPOSIUM 6 — SONIFICATION What Where how why(ESA Aix / LAMES CNRS MMSH), March 2010.

Invited artist PNEK à Bergen, Norvége.October 09

Streaming Audio ICMC Sonic Arts Research Centre (SARC) Belfast Août 08

“Locus Sonus in Second Life” Version Beta, Centre pour l'image contemporaine St Gervais, Geneva, Switzerland.

“Locustream project” Tuned City, Berlin, 1-4 july 2008

”Presentation of work – Master Class” Festival des Arts Lyriques Aix-En-Provence 28-30 juin 07

Presentation of work/interview with Dominique Moulin, festival secondnature, Aix en Provence, France sept 07

!!Sonification Documentation (PHD research)
During the symposium organised by Locusonus "Sonification (What Where How Why)" we conducted the following interviews with the participants having an artistic practice incorporating sonification.


The same set of questions was used for all the interviews (although not all of the questions where asked of each interviewee)& I have split the interviews accordingly (as far as possible). You can navigate the movies in three different ways: 1/ By clicking the link following each question you will hear all the responses to that question (the order of appearance is "random"). 2/ You can see each artists response to all the questions in chronological order by clicking their image in the list 3/ By following the link below you will go to a page with links to all the files the first number after the name gives the chronological order in that persons interview the second the question n° (with this option you will need to copy and paste the url into quicktime player or equivalent. [All Questions|] →

[Question1|research/interviews_sonification/Question1.html] →
Can you introduce yourself & describe briefly how you use sonification within your artwork?
[Question2|research/interviews_sonification/Question2.html] →
How would you qualify the role or position of data within your work & how do you consider your position as an artist in relation to this role?
[Question3|research/interviews_sonification/Question3.html] →
Do you consider that the use of data operates a shift in the artistic paradigm?
[Question4|research/interviews_sonification/Question4.html] →
Is the fact that the data is sonified (as opposed to visualized or mediated in some other way) significant, essential... ?
[Question5|research/interviews_sonification/Question5.html] →
Is your use of data "realtime" if so do you consider this as fundamental to your artistic practice?
[Question6|research/interviews_sonification/Question6.html] →
Do you consider that data sonification is interpretation?
[Question7|research/interviews_sonification/Question7.html] →
Is there a philosophical, spiritual or political aspect related to your use of sonification?
[Question8|research/interviews_sonification/Question8.html] →
Do you consider that sonification is composition (musical composition)?
[Question9|research/interviews_sonification/Question9.html] →
Have you noticed any particularities in the way that sonification is perceived by an audience?
[Question10|research/interviews_sonification/Question10.html] →
Do you consider that what you do with sonification is useful ? Can it be related to a problem solving
[Question11|research/interviews_sonification/Question11.html] →
Do you consider that your work is in a continuum relative to art history or esthetics?

!!Stuart Jones
[|research/interviews_sonification/Stuart-Jones-1-1.html] →


!!Valentina Vuksik
[|research/interviews_sonification/Valentina-Vuksik-1-1.html] →


!!Peter Gena
[|research/interviews_sonification/Peter-Gena-1-1.html] →


!!Scott Fitzgerald
[|research/interviews_sonification/Scott-Fitzgerald-1.html] →


!!Florian Grond
[|research/interviews_sonification/Florian-Grond-1-1.html] →


!!Atau Tanaka
[|research/interviews_sonification/Atau-Tanaka-1.html] →


!!Victoria Vesna
[|research/interviews_sonification/Victoria-Vesna-1-1.html] →

!!Scot Gresham-Lancaster
[|research/interviews_sonification/Scot-Gresham-Lancaster-1-1.html] →


!!Jens Brand
[|research/interviews_sonification/Jens-Brand-1-1.html] →


!!John Eacott
[|research/interviews_sonification/John-Eacott-1-1.html] →

!!Lorella Abenavoli
[|research/interviews_sonification/Lorella-Abenavoli-1-1.html] →


!!Marty Quinn
[|research/interviews_sonification/Marty-quinn-1-1.html] →