

// 2010/04/20 - 18:32 /
During the symposium organised by Locusonus "Sonification (What Where How Why)" we conducted the following interviews with the participants having an artistic practice incorporating sonification. http//

The same set of questions was used for all the interviews (although not all of the questions where asked of each interviewee)& I have split the interviews accordingly (as far as possible). You can navigate the movies in three different ways: 1/ By clicking the link following each question you will hear all the responses to that question (the order of appearance is "random"). 2/ You can see the each artists response to all the questions in chronological order by clicking their image in the list 3/ By following the link below you will go to a page with links to all the files the first number after the name gives the chronological order in that persons interview the second the question n° (with this option you will need to copy and paste the url into quicktime player or equivalent. [All Questions|] →

[Question1|research/interviews_sonification/Question1.html] →
Can you introduce yourself & describe briefly how you use sonification within your artwork?
[Question2|research/interviews_sonification/Question2.html] →
How would you qualify the role or position of data within your work & how do you consider your position as an artist in relation to this role?
[Question3|research/interviews_sonification/Question3.html] →
Do you consider that the use of data operates a shift in the artistic paradigm?
[Question4|research/interviews_sonification/Question4.html] →
Is the fact that the data is sonified (as opposed to visualized or mediated in some other way) significant, essential... ?
[Question5|research/interviews_sonification/Question5.html] →
Is your use of data "realtime" if so do you consider this as fundamental to your artistic practice?
[Question6|research/interviews_sonification/Question6.html] →
Do you consider that data sonification is interpretation?
[Question7|research/interviews_sonification/Question7.html] →
Is there a philosophical, spiritual or political aspect related to your use of sonification?
[Question8|research/interviews_sonification/Question8.html] →
Do you consider that sonification is composition (musical composition)?
[Question9|research/interviews_sonification/Question9.html] →
Have you noticed any particularities in the way that sonification is perceived by an audience?
[Question10|research/interviews_sonification/Question10.html] →
Do you consider that what you do with sonification is useful ? Can it be related to a problem solving
[Question11|research/interviews_sonification/Question11.html] →
Do you consider that your work is in a continuum relative to art history or esthetics?

!!Valentina Vuksik
[|research/interviews_sonification/Valentina-Vuksik-1-1.html] →


!!Peter Gena
[|research/interviews_sonification/Peter-Gena-1-1.html] →


!!Scott Fitzgerald
[|research/interviews_sonification/Scott-Fitzgerald-1.html] →


!!Florian Grond
[|research/interviews_sonification/Florian-Grond-1-1.html] →


!!Atau Tanaka
[|research/interviews_sonification/Atau-Tanaka-1.html] →


!!Victoria Vesna
[|research/interviews_sonification/Victoria-Vesna-1-1.html] →

!!Scot Gresham-Lancaster
[|research/interviews_sonification/Scot-Gresham-Lancaster-1-1.html] →


!!Jens Brand
[|research/interviews_sonification/Jens-Brand-1-1.html] →


!!John Eacott
[|research/interviews_sonification/John-Eacott-1-1.html] →

!!Lorella Abenavoli
[|research/interviews_sonification/Lorella-Abenavoli-1-1.html] →


!!Marty Quinn
[|research/interviews_sonification/Marty-quinn-1-1.html] →