

// 2011/03/28 - 11:08 /

is an experimental and multifaceted project, directed by [Peter Sinclair|http://petersinclair.org] , Sound Artist and co-research director of Locus [Locus Sonus Audio in Art|http:locusonus.org] .
The idea behind RoadMusic is to be done with listening to recorded music in your car and instead to have a live sonic experience in which music is created from your ride for your ride. Sensors gather data about bumps, curves, accelerations and braking while a camera analyses the visual scene. This data is used by custom software, on a dedicated on-board computer, (AutoSync) to generate sound.
RoadMusic is a new art object, participating in a new, or very recent art form - artistic realtime sonification. Sonification, which in scientific terms designates the use of sound to display data in a non verbal form, can be used to create music, replacing or completing the notion of authorship with a sense of time and place. Maybe, in the not too distant future music generated from situations will become widespread. (Sinclair is currently guest editing a special edition of AI&Society dedicated to artistic sonification & environments. To be published in 2011).

If other artistic projects using sonification exist (e.g. RJDJ or John Eacotts Floodtide), Sinclair is specifically interested in the situation of the car ride in which we are "traditionally" estranged from the audio environment through which we travel. With RoadMusic the road becomes the score, the driver becomes the musician, and the music becomes the sound of the situation. These artistic concerns find added pertinence with the advent of electric and hybrid cars which poses the question: what sound does an electric car make? And the question of sensory feedback that goes with it. The long term project is to make RoadMusic available to the general public, and to provide them with a service offering different versions by different composers which the user selects according to his/her personal taste or mood (as one might change radio station or CD).

[Back to RoadMusic|http://roadmusic.fr][http://nujus.net/~petesinc/roadmusic_autosync/media/pics-RM-0.3/RM-0.3-hand-small.jpg|right]